Capture and convert more leads by sharing positve customer experiences.


We get it, Prospecting for new customers can be difficult. A small business like yours can spend all day searching for new leads and work hard to convert those leads. But what if I told you there is a tool that exists that can help you in these efforts…


A tool that is...

  • A quicker, more engaging way to share positive customer experiences.

  • A genuine format that allows your customers to share why they love doing business with you.

  • A powerful addition to integrate into your sales strategies and pipeline.

  • An irrefutable, evidence based, presentation of why your business is the right choice for your future clients.


Raving Fan Testimonials

A better way to convince and convert

Happy customers are your #1 sales person and future customers need to hear the good news they have to share.


  • Over 92% of customers read online reviews before purchasing.

  • 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they do personal recommendations.

  • Consumers are more likely to engage with video. In fact, Forrester Research found that your content is 50x more likely to make it to the first page of Google results if it includes video.

How to use

  • Integrate into social media awareness campaigns and advertise to your audience using the power of social media.

  • Update your testimonial section on your website and give it new life.

  • Use in sales correspondence to help your prospects convert.

  • Feature in monthly newsletters that you publish to your mailing lists.

See what our clients created…


"I appreciate the affordability and ease of this project! Having a simple template to follow with some basic personalization worked really well for me. I could see adding one or two of these each year."


Our Online store makes your purchase easier!


Happy customers are the backbone to every successful business. The world deserves to hear about what you do so well.
— Matthew Lohr, Owner
